Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Magic Appearing Man

Obama-zombies will shrivel up and burst into flames if they read this article.  Most American citizens want so badly not believe the back story of Barack Obama.  I know because I am one of those people.  I distain his politics, would never vote for him, but still cannot believe that our great country could be fooled into embracing such a character.  I saw the movie Obama's America 2016 last weekend and kept thinking, "...this can't be true."  How could this happen to us?


  1. Crazy, but like I've said before, about 45% of our country is: 1.Fools, 2.Easily Fooled, 3.Dependent on government $, 4.Headline readers of the MSM, 5.Have no love for our Founding Principles. We are at the Abyss!

  2. We're on our way to being America's #1 political blog - oneentry at a time!

  3. Hey, its a start!
    Looks as if I can only comment on articles you post; I don't see where I might be able to post also; if you intend for others to contribute? I've limited or no knowledge on Blogs so you might have to leave instructions!
